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For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

Romans 12:4,5

Membership @ HPAC

Being a member means that you are formally joining the church at HPAC. With that comes many benefits. It's not just about how you can serve our community but also how our community can serve you.

Requirements for Membership
  1. Attend 4 classes (approx 1.5 hours each) taught by our trained and experienced Pastoral staff

  2. Believer's baptism ordinance

  3. Final meeting with Elder's Board / Staff to get to know you better and pray with you

Benefits of Membership

  • Formal legal vote in matters related to HPAC's direction

  • Counseling fee discount with local participating Christian Therapists

  • You are more likely to be KNOWN by HPAC Staff, Pastors, and Elders

  • You are more likely to be SERVED by HPAC Staff, Pastors, and Elders

  • Your gifts and talents are more likely to be used within the HPAC family to build His Kingdom

  • You are more likely to have ACCOUNTABILITY and ENCOURAGEMENT

  • You will experience a greater level of the things we all want and need: significance, security, and acceptance

  • You will be PRAYED for regularly

  • You will always have a place to call HOME

‘Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.’ 


Acts 20:28

Talk to us about Membership

Click ‘here’ to see more about our formal membership process and how you can join the family at HPAC

Contact Chad Heaton for any inquiries regarding Membership Process @ HPAC

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