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The School of Ministry provides countless opportunities to grow through a mix of courses that are intentionally crafted to balance engaging teaching and practical hands on experiences.
Be equipped here to do the work Christ has called you to, and to grow in obedience to that call.

Growth opportunities in the School of Ministry are organized into 4 pillars of learning. The goal of these courses is to support you as you grow in these four areas: Intimacy with God, Personal Development, Biblical Knowledge, and  practical experiences to add your Believer's Toolbox.


Within each pillar, there are specific courses that target the essentials of living out our faith. These courses can be found in the Basics Track (red). In addition, each pillar will contain courses that complement the core courses and allow you to dig deeper into a specific area that interests you. These classes are found in our Electives Track (blue).

School of Ministry tracks

Click to download the 2024

School of Ministry Brochure


For more information about our courses please email,

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