Our Men's Ministry at HPAC has a longstanding tradition of seeing men transformed to the glory of God. Our mission is to reach out to our adult men of all backgrounds and experiences to encourage and equip them to become the hands, fee, and voice of God, not only in our congregation, but also in our families and community.
Coffee Meet ups & devotional time
Saturdays, 8-9:30am in the Gym. free coffee. (no rsvp required)
Men's breakfast event
Every last Saturday of the month, 8-9:30am in the gym. free breakfast & guest speaker (rsvp required to
Mens Bible study and video series
Every Wednesday night, 6:30-8pm in the Boardroom. various series and facilitators (contact to see what is currently running and rsvp)
Every couple months HPAC Men's Ministry holds a big event. Some examples of past or upcoming events would be a Euchre Tournament, BBQ & Swim, or a Fishing Tournament. Watch the bulletin, announcements and our social media pages for future events, or be added to our email distribution list. Click the calendar to see what's coming up next!
Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity...
Hebrews 6:1